Essential JavaScript for React

Essential JavaScript for React

by Eric Kulbiej

published 2023

59 pages

9$ value

📝 About the book

If you’ve picked up this eBook, you're likely standing at the threshold of one of the most exciting and creative fields in the digital age: web development. Maybe you've dabbled a bit in HTML and CSS and are now looking to get your feet wet in the ocean of JavaScript. Or perhaps you've decided to jump straight into the deep end. Either way, this guide is designed to be your companion on this thrilling journey. And what makes this journey even more promising is that by the end, you’ll be ready to dive into the ever-popular library—React.

🤔 What you will learn?

Master the Cornerstones of Modern JavaScript

Achieve Expressive and Clean Code with ES6 Features

Data Manipulation, a Programmer's Bread and Butter

Demystifying Asynchronicity and State Management

Become Versatile with Modules, NPM, and React Components

🚀 Content inside

✔️ Introduction: Embark on Your JavaScript Journey

✔️ Chapter 1: Where and How to Write JavaScript Code

✔️ Chapter 2: Basic Syntax - The Foundations of JavaScript

✔️ Chapter 3: Object Literals and Template Strings - Making JavaScript More Expressive

✔️ Chapter 4: ES6 Classes - The Blueprint for Objects

✔️ Chapter 5: Block Scope - Managing Variables with Precision

✔️ Chapter 6: Arrow Functions - Simplifying Function Syntax

✔️ Chapter 7: Map and Filtering - Transforming and Filtering Data Like a Pro

✔️ Chapter 8: The Difference Between const and let - Understanding Variable Declarations

✔️ Chapter 9: Destructuring - The Art of Pulling Things Apart

✔️ Chapter 10: Promise Objects and How to Use Them with Async and Await

✔️ Chapter 11: Imports and Exports of Modules

✔️ Chapter 12: Basic Understanding of NPM

✔️ Chapter 13: Understanding a Sample Functional Component in React

✔️ Chapter 14: Demystifying React Hooks

✔️ Conclusion: The End of One Journey, The Start of Another

✔️ Appendix: Definition Bank